Training Classes offered by OEP

The Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) also offers emergency planning and preparedness training through a variety of programs and classes – some by request. See list below for a sample of classes offered. Several classes are taught regularly through UGA Learning & Development. Check the UGA Pep system for an up-to-date list of available classes.

After September 11, 2001, federal, state, and local emergency and enforcement agencies enhanced their emergency preparedness plans and training. However, as witnessed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, first responders may not be able to prevent the loss of lives and property during a large-scale disaster. Therefore, it is imperative that everyone learns how to respond to warnings, prepare to address emergency situations, and sustain themselves to help lessen the personal impact of a natural or man-made disaster.

  • Basic Emergency Planning
  • Basic Emergency Preparedness Class
  • Bleeding Control (B-Con)
  • Campus Emergencies: Responses to Violence
  • Community Emergency Response Team
  • Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)
  • Conflict De-escalation Techniques
  • CPR / AED Certification
  • Emergency Preparedness for Leaders
  • Hands-Only CPR/AED Overview
  • Medical Reserve Corps
  • National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System ICS 100.HE for Higher Education (Online course from FEMA)
  • National Incident Management System (NIMS) IS 700.a (Online Course from FEMA)
  • Plan, Prepare, React: Active Shooter Response Options for Students, Faculty and Staff
  • Planning for Emergencies in Your Building
  • Planning for Emergencies in the Classroom
  • Taking Care of Business: How Departments Can Continue Operations After an Emergency
  • Travel Safety and Security

► Basic Emergency Planning

Course Length: 1 – 1.5 hours

Availability: Available to all departments by request.

Description: This is an interactive session in which participants are broken into small groups and tasked with generating portions of an emergency plan. Groups will then brief the other participants on the emergency procedures for their assigned emergency. The course helps participants learn the process of creating an emergency plan and briefing others on emergency procedures. This course works best with groups of 12 or more participants.

► Basic Emergency Preparedness

Course Length: 1 hour

Availability: Available to all departments by request.

Description: Individual preparedness is the responsibility of all faculty, staff and students on the UGA campus. Everyone should know how to prepare, respond to and recover from an emergency or disaster both at home and in the workplace. This class will help prepare members of the UGA community to respond to various building level emergencies and national emergencies.

► Bleeding Control (B-Con

Course Length: 2 hours

Availability: Available to all departments by request.

Description: This course teaches participants the basic life-saving medical interventions, including bleeding control using a tourniquet, bleeding control with gauze packs, and opening an airway to allow the victim to breathe. Skill demonstration is a part of the class.

► Campus Emergencies: Responses to Violence

Course Length: 1 to 2 hours (adjustable length due to interactive exercises)

Availability: Available to all departments by request.

Description: The presentation includes information on how faculty, staff and students should respond to violent situations based on best practices. Small group discussions of several scenarios may be included that involve hypothetical situations and the best responses to those situations. This presentation is normally a joint offering with the Office of Emergency Preparedness and the UGA Police.

► Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Course Length: 0.5-1 hour

Availability: Available to all departments by request.

Description: An active shooter is defined as an armed person who has used deadly force on people and continues to do so while having unrestricted access to additional victims. There is no “profile” of a likely attacker – in about half of incidents, the attacker has an official affiliation with the attacked location. Although more attacks occur at businesses/commercial locations than any other location faculty, staff and students should be ready for any type of emergency.

► Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Course Length: 8 weeks – 2.5 hours each

Availability / registration / location: Available twice per year.

Description: The UGA CERT program educates the campus community (faculty, staff and students) about disaster preparedness and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization and disaster medical operations. This training allows the UGA CERT members the ability to assist in giving critical support to others in the event of a campus disaster.

For more information

► Conflict De-escalation Techniques

Course Length: 1 to 2 hours (adjustable time schedule based on class parameters)

Availability: Available to all departments by request.

Description: This class will focus on techniques to keep a confrontation from becoming violent. Many members of the UGA community are involved in exchanges that have the potential to become heated. Some of these encounters are with the public, students or other co-workers. Some individuals become frustrated when they do not receive the answer they desire and become difficult to deal with. This class will discuss how to keep unpleasant encounters of this nature from becoming violent and how to de-escalate a heated exchange. The goal of the class will be to provide the participants with the ability to obtain voluntary compliance from an individual who does not want to comply. This is an entry-level, beginner type class that will introduce these concepts and ideas.

► CPR/AED certification

Course Length: 4 hours

Availability / registration / location: Available to UGA BSSRs, AED Coordinators, MRC and CERT members

Description: Would you know what to do in a cardiac, breathing or first aid emergency? The right answer could help you save a life. As a member of the University of Georgia community, you should really consider becoming certified in CPR/AEDs. There are several opportunities for certification within the Athens-Clarke County community including UGA’s Recreational Sports and the American Red Cross. Please become certified in CPR, it could save a life.

► Emergency Preparedness for Leaders

Course Length: 1 hour

Availability: Available to all departments by request.

Description: The course focuses on the role of student, faculty, and staff leaders during an emergency. The course includes information about typical mental responses to emergencies, improving the ability to operate under stress, the role of emergency planning, and the importance of leadership during an emergency.

► Hands-Only CPR/AED Overview

Course Length: 1 hour

Availability: Available to all departments by request.

Description: Emergencies requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can and do occur without warning. Many people who survive a cardiac emergency are helped by a bystander. The purpose of this class is to teach untrained bystanders how to perform compression-only (hands-only) CPR and utilize an automated external defibrillator (AED). In this course, you will cover basic life support techniques used to perform compressions and basic life support techniques used to restore and maintain circulation. Note: This course is intended to provide the learner with knowledge-based training only. This course does NOT certify you in CPR.

► Medical Reserve Corps

Description: The mission of the University of Georgia Medical Reserve Corps is to support the UGA Campus, Clarke County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), Public Health and the local hospitals’ response plans where medical personnel support is needed.

For more information….

► Planning for Emergencies in Your Building

Course Length: 1 hour

Availability: Available to all departments by request.

Description: This class is intended for all UGA employees and students who wish to be better prepared for emergencies in their buildings. Specific topics will include what to do in case of a fire, tornado, medical emergency, active shooter and other emergency situations that may impact a building or classroom. Emergency notification and a brief explanation of overall campus emergency planning will be discussed.

► Planning for Emergencies in the Classroom

Course Length: 1 hour

Availability: Available to all departments by request.

Description: This class is intended for all professors, instructors, graduate teaching assistants and others who teach classes on campus. The class will address what an instructor should know in an emergency, what they should do with their class, where they can go for additional information. Specific topics will include what to do in case of a fire, tornado, medical emergency, active shooter and other emergency situations that may impact a building or classroom. Emergency notification and a brief explanation of overall campus emergency planning will be discussed.

► Taking Care of Business: How Departments Can Continue Operations After an Emergency

Course Length: 1 hour

Availability: Available to all departments by request.

Description: Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is the practice of planning how your department will provide services or conduct departmental business during or after an emergency. This course will include examples of how business continuity plans can benefit your department and improve your readiness for a variety of possible disasters. Additionally, participants will learn how to access a University-based online planning system which will assist departments with developing their continuity plans.

► Travel Safety and Security

Course Length: 1 to 2 hours (adjustable time schedule based on class parameters)

Availability: Available to all departments by request.

Description: UGA faculty, staff and students travel domestically and internationally on a frequent basis. Safety, security and emergency planning considerations should be a part of a well-planned trip. This class offers tips and techniques that may assist the first time traveler or the well-seasoned traveler avoid potential problems at the airport, on mass transit, at their hotel and while touring at their destination.

Emergency Preparedness is Everyone’s Responsibility