Fall 2023 CERT Class

Spring 2025 CERT Class
The next CERT training class is full. If you are interested in attending a future class, please complete our interest form. For questions, please email Dr. John Newton, [email protected].
Our vision
The UGA CERT program educates the campus community (faculty, staff and students) about disaster preparedness and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization and disaster medical operations. This training allows the UGA CERT members the ability to assist in giving critical support to others in the event of a campus disaster.
Classes will include:
Introduction, Making and Emergency Kit, Basic Emergency Preparedness
Stop the Bleed/Patient Assessment
Basic Search and Rescue
Fire Safety
Basic Behavioral Threat Analysis
Disaster Psychology
Final Exercise
Many questions about the UGA CERT program can be answered with these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), but if you have additional questions, please call or email the Office of Emergency Preparedness at (706) 542-5845.
What is UGA CERT?
The intent of the UGA Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is to educate the University community (faculty, staff and students) about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact the campus. Specifically, the program will provide training in basic disaster response skills.
What are the benefits of participating in the program?
Some benefits of participating in the program are: enhanced and consistent training; working knowledge of response procedures during an emergency; opportunity to assist with campus drills, exercises and other activities.
Who can participate in the program?
UGA CERT is a campus program. UGA students, faculty and staff can participate in the program.
How do I register for the program?
A registration link will be provided on this page when registration is open for a UGA CERT class.
What classes are involved in the program?
Classes include: fire safety, disaster medical operations, light search and rescue, CERT organization, disaster psychology, terrorism preparedness, basic first aid as well as a “hands on” practice during a simulated emergency exercise.
What is the time commitment?
UGA CERT participants are required to attend a weekly 2.5 hour class for 7 weeks.
How will I know when UGA CERT training classes are scheduled?
Class details (date, time, place) will be posted on OEP’s website as they become available. Typically this class is offered two times a year during the spring and fall semesters.
Why do I have to take the entire series of training classes?
Training classes are designed to provide basic skills in various areas that will assist the UGA CERT participants in their reaction to natural disasters and other large emergencies on campus. It is important that UGA CERT participants complete all classes in the series.
Will I get a certificate for completing the program?
Yes, certificates will be awarded during a formal graduation ceremony held at the end of the program.
Why is a background investigation required for the program participants?
A background investigation will be conducted on all applicants to determine eligibility in the program.
Who maintains the training records?
Training records are maintained by the Office of Emergency Preparedness.
What is OEP’s role in the UGA CERT program?
OEP is responsible for organizing UGA’s program which includes instructor selection, participant selection, site coordination and organizing and utilizing UGA CERT members in drills, exercises and other campus events.